Saturday, 30 November 2013


Leg press with half foam roller
100kg 5x10

Sumo squat on smith machine
40kg 3x10

Glute press
45kg 3x20

Minimal lower back pain during leg press. Fine with all other exercises. Loving the Technogym glute machine. I think it is great for reaching fatigue at the end of a session. Focused on a lot of control during the eccentric. 

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Upper posterior with Oscar



External rotation (dumbbell)
6kg 20

Superset barbell shrug
50kg 15

TRX row (unilateral)

Note: Back pain. 

TRX rows 1x30

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Hang cleans with Oscar

Hang clean for technique 


Rope face pulls
45kg 3x30

Looong chat with Oscar regarding training. Current goals should be: recovery first, strength and maintenance second. 

Monday, 25 November 2013

Lifetime personal records

Just a record of my PR/PBs so far. Interested to see how I fare after shoulder and lower back rehab. 

I should really focus on the things that I can do at full capacity now. They should be the rope face pull for my rear delts and the chest supported row for my lats. Building a strong posterior should help me aplenty once I am allowed to do the other movements. 

Squat 80kg 5
Deadlift 120kg 1
Mat pull 125kg 1
Bench 60kg 5
Seated press 47.5kg 5
Leg press 200kg 10 
Chest supported row 40kg 10
Rope face pull 45kg 30+10+10

Saturday, 23 November 2013

Legs with Oscar

Leg press (half foam roller behind back)

Bench squat 

Smith machine sumo squat

Farmer's walk (stairs)
24kg KB


Note: No pain when I push hips further out. Now using double overhand grip. 

Another leg session with lower back issues. With adequate warm up I think I can deadlift heavy. 

Thursday, 21 November 2013


Training with restricted exercises is dreadful. Let's see what movements I can train.

Goblet squat
Kettlebell swing
Sit up

Note: Goblet squat for full ROM training and also to improve technique.

Glute ham raise
Sit up

Note: Thinking of kettlebell lunges to take load off spine, but if grip fails, smith machine might be a decent alternative.

Hang clean
Kroc row
Chest supported row
Rope face pull

Note: Unfamiliar with hang cleans, but this could be the huge ballistic movement I need at this point.

Seated dumbbell curl
Tricep pushdown
Chest press 
Calf raise
Side lateral raise (bent arms)

Note: All the small muscle groups I need to hit, plus chest press.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Back with Oscar


Curl to external rotation 

Hammer Strength iso-lateral high row (supinated)

Seated high cable row (feet elevated)

Note: Used two separate handles instead of V-handle to train stabilisers. 

Technogym upper back row supinated

First upper body session since diagnosis and knowing about exercises I shouldn't do from Ross. 

Cross post from ETI: Hyper-mobile shoulders

Posting about this here in case this information is useful to the lifters here.

Some background

I have been lifting for 2 years. I got rotator cuff impingement a year ago, and it was bothering me in a lot of things, e.g. bench, push ups, curls, press, etc. That became less of a problem around March this year, after seeing a physiotherapist. I rehabbed using band rotations.

However, I was still experiencing a lot of shoulder issues. I get a lot of clunking and clicking especially in my left shoulder when doing lateral raises. I started benching powerlifting style and that took a lot of the pain away from my front deltoids, but my right front deltoid would still click (even today) when I bench. I would get tightness in my shoulders (front, mid and rear) the day after benching. Overhead pressing is fine though, but I get a lot of high pitch sliding and clicking sounds during the movement. No pain, however.

A month ago, I decided to see my physiotherapist again. The clicking in my left shoulder was really bothering me outside of the gym. I get clicking around my front delt area when I put on my T-shirt, when I reach over to the passenger's seat to open the door, etc. I was told that it is a tendon flicking over. My physio referred me to see a shoulder specialist, who is well renowned. Her page:


I saw Lyn 2 weeks ago and turns out I have hypermobile shoulders. This means my shoulder blades are sitting very low in my body. My shoulders are loose and unstable in the posterior. This has been there forever (if I am not mistaken, 40% of the population has this condition, to a certain extent), but it hadn't been stressed until I started lifting.

I have been advised to stay away from exercises where:
- my arms go behind me (e.g. parallel bar dips)
- my arms are extended out straight (e.g. flys, lateral raises, front raises)
- my body weight is on my arms (e.g. push ups, planks)
- I am pushing (e.g. bench)
- my arms are overhead (e.g. OHP, chin ups, skull crushers)

I have been told that I can however do machine presses with partial ROM (without extending my arms fully). 

Lyn recently submitted a paper about this for her doctorate and it is undergoing review, which is why there is not much information about this on the Internet. Apparently the clinic has treated a few people with similar conditions with much success.


Oh, so the goal is to get my shoulder blades to sit higher up my body by (I am paraphrasing here) teaching my body to activate the right shoulder muscles. 

I was given the following exercise to do for a week:

1. 0.5kg dumbbell shrug with palm facing forward, and shoulder blade retracted. One arm at a time for 20 reps.

After that, I saw another physio from her clinic (as advised by her), and I have been given the following exercises which I have started doing:

1. 1kg dumbbell shrug as above.
2. 0.5kg external rotation while laying on my side (5 second hold up the top at 45 degrees, and then back down to parallel to floor).
3. Band external rotation, with a band round my shoulder and another that I hold onto. The bands join up at the same point, e.g. a door handle. I do an external rotation to a 45 degree angle, and hold for 5 seconds.

All these exercises for 10 to 20 reps.

I have been told that our aim is to get to 4kg for exercise 1 and 2 without fatigue at 20 reps. 

Not sure if anyone is interested in this, but I find this intriguing because it changes the way I train so much. The rehab programme is estimated to take around 3 months. No benching and pressing until I am done with it. 

Photo 1: Relaxed

Photo 2: Right shoulder shrugged. 

Monday, 18 November 2013



Calf raise 45 deg leg press
80kg 3x20

Hammer Strength deadlift (2 5kg plates elevated)
60kg 5x10

Standing calf raise 
45kg 3x20

Hamstring curl
30kg 2x10/8+1

Wednesday, 13 November 2013



Rotary calf 
40kg 3x20

Leg extension (unilateral)
30kg 3x10

Calf raise (45 deg leg press)
120kg 2x20
100kg 20

Chin up
Total: 20

Monday, 11 November 2013

Legs with Oscar


Deadlift (smith machine)

Note: Standing on platform.

KB swings
24kg for reps

Squat (flat back on smith machine, feet touching)

Deadlift (Hammer Strength lunge machine)

No pain during exercises. But now at 11:30pm (2 hours after session), I'm feeling a bit of pull on the left side of my lower back. Don't think it is anything too negative.

Friday, 8 November 2013

Chest and Shoulders with Oscar

Hammer Strength shrugs

Leaning smith machine press 40kg

Pec fly restricted ROM 35kg

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Wednesday, 6 November 2013



62.5kg 5/5/4(1 rep stolen)/5/4

Note: Butt was off bench for last reps. Someone assisted me for last rep of third set ugh. 

Incline DB press 30deg 
20kg 8/9/7

Decline smith 
Drop 10kg 5 

Pec fly 
30kg 10/7+3/7+1

Note: Weight lowered from 35kg. 

Lat pulldown pullover
15kg 12

Bodyweight squat

HS pullover
40kg 5

Chin up (pronated)
Total: 65

Note: Don't think pec fly is a good assistance exercise. Might just completely scrap it. 

Monday, 4 November 2013


Kroc Row
12.5kg 10
15kg 2x10

25kg 17+1/17+1

Chin ups

Chest supported row
10kg 10
20kg 10

40kg 2x10

Chin up

Total: 75

Saturday, 2 November 2013



Chin up
Total: 20

Seated barbell press
47.5kg 5/5/5/4/4

Seated DB press
15kg 9+1/8+1/7+1

DB side lateral raise
5kg 3x20

Note: Seated, then standing for assistance. 

Face pull 
45kg 30+10+10/30+10+10 



AM training

Chin up
Total: 20

Seated barbell press
47.5kg 5/5/5/4/4

Seated DB press
15kg 9+1/8+1/7+1

DB side lateral raise
5kg 3x20

Note: Seated, then standing for assistance. 

Face pull 
45kg 30+10+10/30+10+10


PM training

70kg 5

Note: Testing the waters after osteopath treatment. Slight pain in lower back at this weight.

Monkey bar muscle ups

Note: Off a platform at the playground.


Alice suggested a mild lumbar disc injury. She says I should be fine after a few weeks.